How Can One Get A Natural Looking Hair Transplant?

Many hair transplant patients are concerned about whether their hair transplant will look natural. It’s understandable to be concerned; when one spends money and hopes on hair restoration surgery, one wants to know that the hair will look nice afterward. So, do hair transplants appear natural? How can one maximize one’s chances of receiving a discrete, natural-looking hair transplant? This post will discuss five steps to ensure hair transplants look natural. Moreover, towards the end, find out where to get a hair transplant in India. Let’s get it started!

Do Hair Transplants Appear Natural?

When performed by an experienced, skilled surgical team, hair transplants appear entirely natural. In fact, once the grafts have healed and grown, one will be unable to distinguish between the transplanted and natural hair.

How to have a Natural-looking Hair Transplant?

Follow these actions to increase the chances of receiving a natural-looking hair transplant:-

  1. Select the Appropriate Hair Transplant SurgeonChoosing a professional, skilled hair transplant surgeon with experience working with one’s hair type is the best approach to ensure the hair transplant looks natural.Hair transplants include more than just extracting hair grafts and placing them in balding regions. Surgeons must examine the patient’s hair’s regular growth pattern, as well as the amount of hair follicles in the donor area and their safe extraction. This requires a high level of competence and experience, which one will not find with a low-cost hair transplant operation.

    Choosing a cheap hair transplant from an unskilled surgeon is a risky tactic. That’s why it is always advised to conduct extensive research with multiple UK clinics to discover the best hair transplant surgeon within budget.

  2. Select the Appropriate Hair Transplant Technique TypeModern hair transplants are classified into two types: FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation). While both produce natural-looking outcomes when performed by a trained surgeon, one significant visual distinction is hair transplant scarring.FUT is more likely to result in a visible scar on the back of the head. If one wears hair long, this is unlikely to be obvious, which is why FUT is a famous female hair transplant method. However, the scar is often visible if one gets a buzzcut after a hair transplant.

    Getting a FUT transplant does not indicate that hair growth will be less natural. In reality, there are advantages to FUT: graft survival rates are somewhat more significant, and one may be able to extract more grafts, resulting in broader coverage. Unfortunately, one may be left with a tiny scar that indicates one had hair transplant treatment.

  3. Make a Hairline PlanThe surgeon can assist one in creating a hairline that complements the age and contour of their face. The surgeon should ultimately have the last word in the shape of the hairline, even though one can have some input.
  4. Recognize What is AchievableHairline planning is crucial for more reasons than just making one’s recently transplanted grafts appear natural. It could affect one’s donor area as well.Expert surgeons know the potential outcomes depending on the amount of hair in the donor location. Surgeons who overpromise outcomes should be avoided since they might overharvest the donor’s hair. Patchy hair loss at the side or back of the head may occur from this, which won’t seem natural.
  5. Take Good Care After Hair TransplantProper aftercare during the healing phase is also crucial to achieve a natural hair transplant. One must take all recommended medicines to prevent infections and other issues that could affect the way hair transplant looks.One should also consider using hair loss medications like finasteride to keep hair after hair transplant. Finasteride helps keep the hair surrounding the new grafts thick and natural-looking by stopping further hair loss.

Does Hair that has been Transplanted Grow Normally?

Yes, unless one uses an artificial hair transplant using a synthetic hair type like Biofibre, hair transplant grows in the same manner as natural hair. Most people don’t need these synthetic fibers because they have enough hair in their donor area.

The growth of the transplanted hair takes several months, so initially, it could not appear very natural. However, one will quickly discover that one can’t tell the difference between natural hair and new hair grafts after the grafts heal and the hair starts to grow.

Get Effective, Natural & the Best Hair Transplant in Mumbai

One can get the best hair transplants from the state-of-the-art Harleys Hair Transplant Clinic in Mumbai. One of India’s most dependable choices for hair transplant is the clinic led by skilled hair transplant surgeon Dr. Sumit Agrawal, who promises the most significant long-term outcomes.

The clinic has advanced facilities and cutting-edge technology. Dr. Sumit Agrawal firmly believes in the value of careful observation to provide exceptional outcomes and ensure that every element is stressed to the fullest extent possible. As a super-specialist in plastic surgery, the doctor is renowned worldwide for his outstanding surgical talents. Also, for his imaginative vision of producing a hairline that looks completely natural. Find out how much hair transplant cost in India at this centre by booking an appointment at Harleys Clinic right now!

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