9 Top Frequently Asked Questions About a Mommy Makeover

A mommy makeover surgery has become an increasingly popular choice for females who are struggling to return to their pre-baby shape through diet and exercise alone. The combination of procedures included in a mommy makeover surgery can address several body concerns that affect a woman post-pregnancy and childbirth. Those who choose this procedure have many questions about what is involved in it and what to expect. Dr. Deepthi Devarakonda, the best plastic surgeon in Hyderabad, has put together a list of the most frequently asked questions about mommy makeover and their answers. 

Question 1. What is a Mommy Makeover? 

A mommy makeover is a surgical procedure that addresses the breast and abdominal area in one surgery. One can choose to include several procedures in a mommy makeover surgery. These include breast enhancement procedures, stretch marks treatment, liposuction, tummy tuck, body contouring procedures, vaginal tightening and many more. A mommy makeover surgery can be customized to meet a specific patient’s goal. 

Question 2. Am I Right Candidate For Mommy Makeover? 

Most women in good general health and who desire to regain their pre-pregnancy body contours are considered suitable candidates for mommy makeovers. Moreover, women planning to undergo this procedure should consider several other factors, such as:


  • Do they want to have more children in future?  
  • Are they in good health?  
  • Are they breastfeeding?  
  • What are their cosmetic goals? 

It is advised to wait at least six months after weaning the breastfeeding child before opting for a mommy makeover to ensure that the breasts do not change size or shape. A mommy makeover offers outstanding outcomes, but it is essential to set reasonable expectations. 

Question 3. What are the Advantages of Combining Procedures in a Mommy Makeover? 

Combining several procedures in a mommy makeover offers a range of benefits. These include achieving multiple improvements in a single surgery, saving additional cost by combining procedures in a single timeframe, consolidating time off work into a single period and undergoing recovery in a single surgical procedure. Dr. Deepthi Devarakonda, a leading plastic surgeon who offers the best mommy makeover in Hyderabad at Eternelle Aesthetics, ensures that with a combination of procedures, patients can effectively address their several body concerns. 

Question 4. What Will Recovery Be Like? 

Most women return to work 2-4 weeks after a mommy makeover. The length of the recovery will depend on the type and number of procedures one chooses to include. It is essential to plan for child care if one has young children at home. During the first few weeks of recovery, one must take it easy and avoid heavy lifting, such as lifting small children. The patient must avoid indulging in strenuous activities for at least six weeks.

Moreover, during the recovery phase, sleeping in a position that elevates the upper body and feet is important. This can be achieved with the help of a recliner. The patient can experience some bruising, tightness or swelling during the first phase of recovery. However, these symptoms will gradually diminish as one continues to heal. 

Question 5. Are Results of a Mommy Makeover Permanent? 

While a mommy makeover can offer long-lasting results, factors such as age, overall health, lifestyle choices and future pregnancies can affect the longevity of the results. However, following a healthy lifestyle can sustain the results of a mommy makeover over time. 

Question 6. Can I Have Children After Undergoing a Mommy Makeover? 

While it is possible to have more children after a mommy makeover surgery, surgeons recommend completing family planning before undergoing the procedure. Pregnancy after a mommy makeover may alter the results of the procedure, necessitating additional procedures. 

Question 7. Can a Mommy Makeover Address Excess Skin and Stretch Marks? 

Yes, a mommy makeover can address excess skin and stretch marks with procedures such as tummy tucks. Removing excess skin and fat helps improve the appearance of stretch marks in the treated areas. 

Question 8. What Should I Eat After a Mommy Makeover Surgery? 

On the first day of the surgery, one can start with something light, such as soup, sandwiches, or yoghurt. The surgeon recommends light food because of anesthesia and being on prescription medications. Greasy and heavy food can tend to upset the stomach. Drinking a lot of fluids is also essential to keep the body hydrated. 

Question 9. What is the Cost of Mommy Makeover Surgery? 

The cost of mommy makeovers in Hyderabad at renowned clinics such as Eternelle Aesthetics ranges between Rs. 1,00,000 and Rs. 7,00,000. The cost can vary depending on a range of factors, such as the combination of procedures involved, the extent of the procedure, the implants used (if breast surgery is performed), and many other factors. 

Seek Help From a Top-Notch Plastic Surgeon For a Mommy Makeover 

If one is considering a mommy makeover surgery, one can schedule an appointment with Dr. Deepthi Devarakonda, a notable plastic surgeon at Eternelle Aesthetics. The renowned surgeon will assess one’s health, medical history, and specific goals to recommend the best combination of procedures.

For more details on mommy makeovers, visit Eternelle Aesthetics now! 

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