What to Expect During Recovery from Adult Circumcision Surgery

Circumcision is a medical operation in which the foreskin of the penis is removed. Foreskin is the top upper skin of the penis. In many countries Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia, the United States, and Kuwait. Circumcision is a part of their tradition and it is to be done for the sake of the newborn baby. before they leave the hospital. The circumcision is done after getting permission from the parents of the newborn baby.

Adult Circumcision surgery

People with an uncircumcised penis do this surgery for medical, hygienic, and other benefits. It might be more simpler and less risky surgery as compared to infant circumcision because it is quite a larger surgery 

People from different religions have some other beliefs related to circumcision. However, we present some scientific facts and findings related to circumcision and its effect on the body.

Procedure for adult circumcision surgery 

  • Anesthesia is used to numb the penis and the doses of anesthesia depend on age and other factors such as the patient’s physical condition and tolerance of anesthesia. 

  • Sterilization helps to clean the penis with an antiseptic.

  • The clamp method is used to remove the foreskin from the head of the penis.

  • Hemostasis surgeons control bleeding with sutures.

  • Postoperative care after applying the protective dressing surgeon instructs the patient on care.

Immediate Post-surgery care and expectation

  • After the surgery, you need to spend a couple of hours in the hospital so the doctor and their staff can monitor your condition such as blood pressure, oxygen level, and heart rate, and observe the penis for any sign of complications before leaving the hospital. 

  • You might feel dizziness, pain, and discomfort after the fading effect of anesthesia. The medical staff helps you manage the pain and discomfort with the help of medicines and injections. Swelling and little bleeding are also very common after the surgery. 

  • When your pain is manageable and you are ready to leave hospitals. Doctors provide you with a simple list of do’s and don’ts that you need to follow at home to avoid any complications. 

Expected recovery within a week

The first week after adult circumcision is important for any mistake or avoidance that will arise in complicated situations. In the first week, you will notice the swelling has decreased and you do not need any medicines to manage the pain if your healing is normal. You just feel uneasy and uncomfortable itchiness around the surgical part. 

Sometimes, after the adult circumcision surgery, recovery might be slow and does not heal completely because there is a higher risk of infection, injuries, and side effects of medicines. There are some signs of normal healing and signs of infection and other complications. 

Signs of normal healing

  • Feel normal pain
  • Normal swelling and bruising
  • Little bleeding
  • Itching
  • Yellow-whitish film
  • Dissolvable sutures. 
  • Keratinization

Signs of infections and other complications

  • Regular fever.
  • Feeling ill.
  • Pus from the surgical part
  • Unhealing stitches
  • The pain of sudden onset
  • Swelling around the surgical site
  • Seen bleeding multiple times
  • Skin discoloration

How to manage pain and discomfort

It is very common to feel pain and discomfort after the surgery. But sometimes this pain and discomfort might be very severe. To avoid this situation you just need to follow some follow-up and precaution 

  • Taking prescribed medicine to control the pain: The doctor will prescribe some medicines to help you manage pain, infections, and irritation. 

  • Dressing: Dressing is very important after the surgery, but before dressing you need to clean the surgical area with lukewarm water and a dry soft towel. because it prevents infections and any allergies in the surgical part.

  • Ice pack: You should never rely on medicines to manage pain, inflammation, and irritation. You can use the Ice pack to insist on medicine for inflammation and irrational situations. Ice packs give you a cooling effect which helps to reduce inflammation and irritation. In some cases, ice packs help you to manage pain. 

  • Follow-up consultation with the doctor: You can consult with your surgeon on a timely basis. It helps you to prevent any complications and also helps you to monitor your recovery. During the consultation, you can discuss the issues you are facing after the surgery. Doctors will change your prescription and suggest you change your lifestyle for better recovery.  

  • Avoid physical activities: Yes it is important to do physical activities like bicycling, workout, running, and lifting weights because it might increase the risk of injuries. 


Adult circumcision is to be performed because of health benefits, changes in religious belief, peer pressure, and personal choice. Circumcision Surgery is the process of removing the foreskin from the head of the penis. After the surgery, you need to spend some hours in a hospital. During that time the medical team will monitor your post-surgical condition. In that time you feel pain and discomfort after losing the effect of anaesthesia. You can get the signs of healthy recovery like feeling less pain, little irritation, yellow-whitish film, dissolvable sutures, and keratinization. There is also the chance of getting signs of infection and injuries like Regular fever, feeling ill, pus from the surgical part, and healing stitches. You can manage pain by taking prescribed medicine, frequently dressing your surgical part, and using an Ice pack. 

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