Mastering Barcode Scanning on Android – A Detailed Guide

In the rapidly evolving world of mobile technology, integrating efficient and reliable barcode scanning capabilities for Android devices has become essential for a wide range of industries. 

This guide offers a step-by-step approach to selecting and implementing the right barcode scanning technology for your Android applications. By following this guide, businesses will gain the understanding to seamlessly incorporate robust barcode scanning features into their Android applications, enhancing functionality and user experience.

How to Select the right barcode reading and scanning library for Android?

How to Select the right barcode reading and scanning library for Android

When building Android barcode scanner apps, choosing the right barcode reading and scanning library is a challenge. With numerous options available, it can be challenging to determine which one suits your needs. Here are a few key considerations to keep in mind while selecting an Android barcode reader.

  • Is the Library Compatible with your chosen development stack?

First, ensure the library is compatible with your Android app development environment. Check that it supports the Android version your app requires and works with your development tools and frameworks. This will help you avoid compatibility issues and ensure a smooth integration process.

  • Which barcode formats are supported?

Another aspect to consider is the library’s barcode recognition capabilities. Different libraries support simpler barcode types, such as QR codes and UPCs, and struggle while decoding complex barcodes. For instance, some libraries find it difficult to scan complex 2D barcodes such as DotCode and Composite Codes require advanced decoding capabilities. 

Evaluate which barcode types your app will encounter and choose a library that can read these accurately and consistently. Additionally, consider the library’s ability to read damaged, poorly lit, blurred or partially obscured barcodes, as this can be essential in real-world scenarios.

  • Look at performance benchmarks

Performance is another factor to consider. Barcode scanning needs to be quick and accurate. Choose libraries with fast and reliable barcode recognition algorithms. Look at scanning speed, accuracy rates, and the library’s efficiency in handling large volumes of barcode data. A high-performance library will improve user experience and help your app stand out from the competition.

  • How easily can libraries be embedded?

Ease of integration is a crucial factor to consider. Choose libraries that offer comprehensive documentation, sample code, and developer support. Well-documented libraries help you understand and implement features easily, saving development time. Additionally, libraries with dedicated support can provide assistance and guidance if you encounter challenges during integration.

  • What customization options are available to fit your specific use case? 

Furthermore, consider the library’s customization options. Depending on your app’s needs, you may want to customize the barcode scanning interface or add extra features. Look for libraries that allow UI customization so you can match the scanner’s appearance with your app’s design. Also, check if the library provides APIs or hooks to extend its functionality to meet your specific requirements.

Steps to implement barcode reading and scanning library in Android 

Steps to implement barcode reading and scanning library in Android

Barcode scanning is a crucial feature for many applications, including retail, inventory management, and event ticketing. This step-by-step guide will walk you through implementing barcode scanning in your Android app.

Step 1: Setting up the Development Environment 

Before implementation, make sure that you have all the necessary tools and libraries in place. 

  • Install Android Studio: Download and install Android Studio, the official IDE for Android development.
  • Create a New Project: Start a new project in Android Studio.
  • Set Up Dependencies: Ensure all necessary libraries and dependencies are added to your project.

Step 2: Adding Barcode Scanning Functionality 

To enable barcode scanning in your app, you will need to: 

  • Choose a Library: Integrate the barcode scanning library into your app. There are multiple options to choose from. You could choose open-source libraries or go for proprietary SDKs. Proprietary barcode reader SDKs offer better accuracy, reliability, and scanning capabilities. 
  • Download and Import: Either download the library and import it manually or use a dependency management tool like Gradle to add it to your project.
  • Configure Library: Follow the library’s setup instructions to configure it for your project.

Step 3: Implementing the Barcode Scanner Activity 

When you have all the necessary tools and libraries set up, it’s time to start implementing the barcode scanner activity. 

  • Create a New Activity: Add a new activity to your project to serve as the barcode scanner screen.
  • Design the Layout: Design the activity’s layout to include:
    • A preview area for the camera.
    • A button to start the barcode scanning process.
  • Set Up UI Components: Ensure all UI components are properly configured and linked to your activity.

Step 4: Handling Camera Permissions 

Before scanning barcodes, request permission to access the device’s camera

  • Check Permissions: In your barcode scanner activity, check if the camera permission is granted.
  • Request Permissions: If the camera permission is not granted, request it from the user.
  • Runtime Permission Model: Use Android’s runtime permission model, introduced in Android 6.0 (Marshmallow), to handle permission requests.

Step 5: Initializing the Barcode Scanner 

The next step is to initialize the barcode scanner.

  • Create Scanner Instance: In the `onCreate` method of your barcode scanner activity, create an instance of the Android library’s barcode scanner.
  • Configure Settings: Configure the scanner with the necessary settings.
  • Set Up Callback: Set up a callback to handle the results of the barcode scanning process.

Step 6: Scanning Barcodes 

Now it’s time to finally scan the barcodes! 

  • Start Scanning: Initiate the barcode scanning process when the user taps the scan button.
  • Open Camera: Use the Android library to open the device’s camera.
  • Analyze Video Feed: Continuously analyze the video feed for barcodes.
  • Decode Barcode: Once a barcode is detected, decode it and return the result to your app.

Step 7: Handling Barcode Results 

Check how barcode results are handled:

  • Callback Invocation: The library invokes the callback after completing the barcode scan.
  • Access Result: Access the scanned barcode results in the callback.
  • Perform Actions: Display the barcode value on the screen or send it to a server for further processing.

Step 8: Testing and Refining 

Congratulations on implementing barcode scanning functionality in your Android app. Ensure proper testing for best results.

  • Thorough Testing: Test the barcode scanner extensively to ensure reliability.
    •  Use different barcode types.
    • Test in various lighting conditions.
    • Check performance with different camera orientations.
  • Refinement: Refine your implementation based on user feedback and any issues discovered during testing.


Integrating an Android barcode scanner involves careful selection of the right library, thorough integration, and extensive testing. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure your barcode scanning functionality is robust, efficient, and user-friendly. 

This will not only enhance your application’s functionality but also provide a seamless experience for your users across various scenarios and conditions.

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