Get Beach-Ready Masculine Chest With Gynecomastia Surgery

When getting beach-ready, many men focus on building a toned, muscular chest through diet and exercise. However, for some men, the presence of excess breast tissue, also known as gynecomastia, can make achieving their desired chest appearance a frustrating and challenging task. Fortunately, gynecomastia surgery offers a safe and effective solution for men who want to achieve a more masculine chest and feel confident in their appearance.

In this article, Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan, a renowned surgeon performing gynecomastia surgery in Bangalore, has explored an insightful study of this treatment. Please read the post and learn more about the treatment before availing it for a beach-ready perfect masculine chest.  


Gynecomastia is a medical condition of an abnormal male chest also known as male boobs. A primary reason behind this condition is the excessive secretion of oestrogen (female sex hormone). In addition to hormonal imbalance, one can experience gynecomastia, also caused by genetic transmission and excessive weight gain. Gynecomastia-infected large and sagging male boobs damage one’s masculine appearance which may turn into mental-consciousness. Male boobs caused by any reason can effectively be treated through surgery only.

Gynecomastia can affect many men, causing the development of excess breast tissue. This condition caused by hormonal imbalances, genetics, certain medications, or other medical conditions is not typically harmful to one’s health. But, it can cause significant self-consciousness and feelings of embarrassment for men who experience it.

Gynecomastia surgery, also known as male breast reduction, is a cosmetic procedure that can effectively address this condition and help men achieve a more masculine chest appearance.

Gynecomastia Surgery

As clear through the name, gynecomastia surgery is a procedure of incisions. Gynecomastia surgery, also known as male breast reduction in Hyderabad, is the most effective procedure, especially for those who are unable to get the desired results from various false non-invasive gynecomastia treatments. 

The Procedure of Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia surgery performed by a cosmetic surgeon comprises liposuction and the removal of excessive fat tissues from one’s chest. In order to access the fat tissues, usually Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan, a leading cosmetic surgeon in Hyderabad makes three incisions- one near to areola, the second lower down to burst sizes, and the third to side lines. After that, the surgeon performs liposuction and removes the excess fat tissues. After the removal of fat, nipples may be displaced. Cosmetics surgeons reposition them along with male boobs liposuction. 

This entire process of liposuction and nipple repositioning is a few hours of surgery, with a recovery time of 7 to 15 days. During the recovery process, one needs to take very good care of his health and practice the below-mentioned recovery guidelines:-

1. Immediate after the surgery

Following the surgery, patients could have chest pain, tightness, or tenderness. This discomfort stays for one to two days is normal, and if necessary, the patient can take prescribed pain relievers.

Some people report numbness or areas of diminished sensation. The numbness could persist for longer than three days if a long-acting local anaesthetic suggested by the surgeon is applied. The anaesthetic used in the surgery may cause some people to feel sick. Despite the fact that patients could see effects right away, the chest region might look bloated. 

2. One week after gynecomastia surgery

For many individuals, the pain lasts for a week, and they see a reduction in pain and oedema after one week. But most of the patients can resume their jobs. However, they are advised to engage in light physical activities until the surgeon gives the green signal.  

3. Avoid vigorous activities till 3 to 4 weeks

Some people may get approval to engage in vigorous activities within two to three weeks. Meanwhile, some have to wait for 3 to 4 weeks. This limitation depends upon one’s immune system against the surgery. Patients with strong immune systems get a speedy recovery; meanwhile, some with weakened immune systems cannot even take baths for three to four weeks. Additionally, the surgeons prescribe that one wear compression garments.

4. Back to regular work after 1.5 to 2 months

Usually, the healing process is finished after one to one and a half months. And almost every patient becomes able to engage in all types of physical activity, even in performing exercises that involve the chest. Also, patients can sleep in any position. The pecs’ swelling may persist for a few more weeks before it gradually goes away altogether.

The benefits of gynecomastia surgery

Gynecomastia surgery can provide numerous benefits for men who are struggling with excess breast tissue. Perhaps the most significant benefit is the ability to achieve a more masculine chest appearance, which can greatly improve self-confidence and body image.

In addition, gynecomastia surgery can also help to:

  • Improve posture and alleviate back pain caused by excess breast tissue
  • Make it easier to participate in physical activities and exercise without discomfort or self-consciousness
  • Eliminate the need for wearing compression garments or bulky clothing to hide the appearance of excess breast tissue
  • Improve overall quality of life and self-esteem

Tips for Speedy Recovery

  1. Follow the surgeon’s instructions, including taking any prescribed medications, wearing compression garments as recommended, and avoiding strenuous activity for the recommended time frame.
  2. Rest is essential for proper healing after surgery. 
  3. Stay hydrated and eat a healthy diet.
  4. Avoid smoking and alcohol.
  5. Avoid sunlight and protect incisions: 
  6. Follow-up appointments with the surgeon to monitor the healing progress and address any concerns or complications.

Ideal Candidate for gynecomastia surgery?

Any male struggling with excess breast tissue and self-consciousness about his chest appearance is a viable candidate for gynecomastia surgery. However, it is essential to consult the treatment with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon who specializes in male breast reduction.

During your initial consultation, the surgeon will evaluate the chest condition and discuss the goals and expectations for the procedure. Further, the surgeon will also review the risks and potential complications associated with the surgery, as well as the recovery process and expected results. One looking for the best gynecomastia treatments can visit Dr Sandhya Balasubramanyan- a renowned and the best plastic surgeon in Bangalore and across the country.

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